There are some people who simply LOVE Autumn; Pumpkin-flavored everything, the excitement over holiday planning, and the cooler, but not TOO cool, temperatures bringing out the best of our wardrobes. Fall lovers make it known that “their favorite season” is here, and they revel in the energy that this season gives them! However, there is a group of us, who quietly and secretly, mourn the slow dissipation of Summer. It’s not an overwhelming sensation, most of the time, as we naturally retreat back indoors, reminiscing about beach days and sun-tans. Yet, the depth of experiences we create when we feel our freest, during the hottest months of the year are all too real, and frankly, hard to move away from. We see Fall coming, and we don’t mind it all too much, man but do we prefer Summer.
Different as these two perspectives are, I am sure you can relate to either one. While some people are experiencing excitement and feeling lively heading towards the Fall season, there are others who are fighting slight bouts of depression as the best parts of the year have passed on by. If you are one of those people who struggle to feel as good during the rest of the year as you do in the Summer, I have found that simple perspective shifts can help change one’s heart to peace from a sense of loss as we focus on the joys in Autumn.
While Fall is daunting, because that means Winter is near… Fall is truly the perfect transition to the coldest months of the year. How wonderful is it that we get to experience a slow and gradual shift toward colder weather!? Staying in the present moment is difficult to do when you much prefer warmer weather, but Instead of gradual drops in temperature being a chill, we can consciously think of how the temperature feels as a sensation, rather than claiming that it is indeed “cold”. Sensations, huh? How is that going to change anything? Well, sensations are without judgment: a reaction to something that is happening or coming into contact with the body. It’s our own judgments that wish to opinionate these sensations we feel every day. Colder temperatures truly are relative. Think of each gradual lowering of temperatures as new sensations you get to experience. No, Fall is still coming, but it can be quite sensational (pun intended).
The second approach to Fall is to understand and appreciate the preparation for rest and retreat that Mother Nature, as well as ourselves, are transitioning into. The colors of Autumn are nothing short of wondrous, and even us “Summer-lovers” could probably hang onto the artistry this season gives us alone to sustain us. However, understanding exactly ‘why’ we are given those wild Autumn palettes is to understand that a grand rest is coming. Now is the time to seize those “perfect Fall days” and live as if it’s the last hurrah of Summer. For a rest is coming, where nights seem longer and the cold keeps us indoors and bundled. Seeing Autumn as a celebration of Summer’s left-over remnants, rather than a loss of all that’s good, is to give us a fleeting sense of hope, but hope worthwhile. Make a conscious effort to seize every bit of sunshine and warmer days, and to spend each sunny day outdoors as much as possible. Fill your soul with the last bits of Summer, because she has more to give you!
Last but not least, who can forget the HOLIDAYS?! One way to give a jolt to the heart is to start getting excited about your Halloween costume or those ghouly Halloween parties. Let’s take a step further into Autumn; how about Thanksgiving dinner? Thanksgiving dinner has got to be one of the best meals of the year! Or even going so far as to keep your mind occupied with making plans to give back in the spirit of Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, and/or other special celebrations. Jotting down ideas and getting your creative juices flowing on how you can jazz up this Fall with a little bit of Summer Lovin’ will always help us get through “pumpkin-everything” season!
To recap: Experience the gradual decrease in temperatures as sensations, rather than judging it as “cold”; Slowing down, living in the moment and seizing each warm(ish) and sunshine-filled day with the same tenacity as a summer day; and making the best out of the upcoming holiday season. I hope these shifts in perspective give you the happiness boost you need to remember that while we may have our weather and season preferences, nothing is better than the day you are living RIGHT NOW. Carpe Diem and keep your Light shining warm and bright this Fall!